Theft Crimes

San Luis Obispo Theft Crime Attorneys

Providing Quality Legal Representation to Help You Fight Theft Charges

If you have been accused of a California theft crime, you are probably fearful about the future. If convicted, you could be sentenced to jail or state prison and ordered to pay steep fines. 

If you have been accused of a theft crime, contact Stein-Conaway Law Firm, P.C., at our San Luis Obispo, CA, law office to schedule a free consultation so we may determine your legal options.

What are Considered Theft Crimes in California?

In California, an individual may be charged with a theft crime if they take another person’s money or property without their consent and include:

  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Identity theft
  • Embezzlement
  • Shoplifting
  • Grand theft, which is taking property valued at over $950
  • Driving another person’s motor vehicle without their consent

What are the Criminal Penalties for Theft Crimes?

The criminal penalties an individual may face for a theft crime depends on whether the offense is charged as a misdemeanor or felony.

The consequences of being convicted of theft charges include:

  • Misdemeanors: Hefty fines and up to a year of jail time
  • Felonies: Although criminal penalties for felony theft crimes vary based on the factors involved, some felony convictions result in defendants being sentenced to multiple years in county jail prison or state prison and significant fines

Why Do I Need to Hire an Attorney to Help Me With My Legal Defense?

Regardless of whether you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney who can help you avoid the serious consequences you may face. Anyone with a theft crime conviction on their record will have difficulty finding gainful employment or may be branded a convicted felon. Not only that, but theft crimes are considered “crimes of moral turpitude”, which can affect a person’s ability to become a licensed professional, and a theft conviction can cause serious immigration problems that can include deportation for non-US citizens.

Regardless of whether you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney who can help you avoid the serious consequences you face.

Why Should I Choose Your Criminal Defense Attorneys to Defend Me Against a Theft Crime Charge?

If you have been arrested and are facing allegations related to theft crimes, contact Stein-Conaway Law Firm, P.C., immediately. Our well-qualified defense attorneys have extensive experience representing San Luis Obispo County clients.

When you come to us for help, we are committed to creating solid legal strategies to provide you with an effective defense.

Call our law office at 805-439-6069 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced San Luis Obispo theft crime lawyer who will gladly determine your legal options.